Other Programs

GIS Program

4 November 2022

GIS Program

The Department began developing a Departmental Geographical Information System (GIS Program) in 2000. This program has been developed as part of the Local Agency Ground Water Protection Program, see Local Agency Ground Water Protection Program element. The GIS program tracks wells, small public water system sources, mines, abandoned excavations, failed septic systems, underground injection wells, underground storage tank facilities, solid waste sites, burn sites, and hazardous waste sites. These sites and structures are identified under the assessor's parcel number and are plotted on the County GIS parcel layer map.

The Department downloads information into attribute (data) tables that help identify specific characteristics about a site or structure. With the exception of the well layer, layers will be available to the public using the County website located under the GIS Unit.

Specific well layer data is confidential and may be viewed at the Department by either a well owner or by a government agency as provided under Section 13752 of the California Water Code. An individual may also request to view the confidential well data if they have received written authorization from the well owner.

When inquiring about a specific parcel, an individual may inquire as to the presence of sites and/or structures that are currently on a parcel or have been known to have been on a parcel at one time.

Institutions Program

4 November 2022

Institutions Program

The institution's program is a state-mandated program conducted pursuant to the California Code of Regulations. 

Department staff performs an annual inspection of the County detention/holding facility (jail) to review general facility sanitation. This review includes but is not limited to, review of kitchen facilities, sanitation, and food storage. General building and sleeping accommodations are also reviewed for general sanitation.

Staff participates in quarterly jail/health administrative meetings in conjunction with the County Health Officer and other participants.

See Title 15, Section 1200 et seq. at https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/ccr.htm (click on California Code of Regulations, click on “Go to a Specific Section under Query Templates, enter Title, enter Section, enter Search)

Land Use / Development

4 November 2022

Land Use / Development

Department land use/land development program activities include investigation and review of county land applications consisting of subdivision and parcel maps, planned developments, zoning amendments, variances, use permits, accessory dwelling requirements, and Environmental Impact Reports.

In August of 1999, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors passed Ordinance 2589 adopting standards for proof of groundwater pertaining to land development. This ordinance established two groundwater potential zones based upon geology. Groundwater Zone I is characterized as having zero to low groundwater potential. Groundwater Zone II is characterized as having moderate to high groundwater potential. The ordinance also adopted the groundwater map on which Zones I and II are depicted.

Liquid Waste Haulers

4 November 2022

Liquid Waste Haulers

Approximately 50% of single-family dwelling residents and 20% of private businesses are served by on-site wastewater disposal systems in Calaveras County. Maintenance of these systems includes the pumping of septic tanks. This occurs on average once every five years. 

This program requires that all vehicles that pump and transport cleanings from septic tanks to septage disposal facilities must be registered by the local health officer or his or her duly authorized representative of the city, town, county, or city and county for the carrying on of the business. The Department is responsible for issuing the required registration in the County.

The Department performs annual inspections of the transport vehicles and furthermore reviews required monthly waste manifest reports. These businesses must assure the Department that all cleanings are properly disposed of at a permitted septage receiving facility. 

Local Agency Ground Water Protection

4 November 2022

Local Agency Ground Water Protection

The Department has made it a priority to actively pursue groundwater management issues within the County. This is primarily due to the fact that the County secures a large portion of its potable (pure and safe) drinking water supply from both small public water systems and individual domestic water wells. While on-site septic systems occur throughout the County, their presence is especially prevalent in those areas served by domestic water wells. The protection and mapping of this resource have therefore become one of our major priorities.

The Local Agency Ground Water Protection Program was initially established in 2000. The majority of the program is funded through US/EPA in the form of a Local Ground Water Protection grant. Our primary focus has been to track residential, commercial, and industrial areas that use groundwater as a primary potable water source and on-site sewage as a sewage disposal method. This is being accomplished through the establishment of the Department’s Geographical Information System program (see Geographical Information System program element).

Ultimately, as a long-term goal, this program will support and provide the foundation in establishing a database that will cover the entire County identifying known or potential groundwater impacts.

Mosquito Control & Vector Control

4 November 2022

Mosquito Control & Vector Control

The Department's Vector Control Program's primary function is to educate the public regarding vectors and their impact on public health. A vector is defined as any animal capable of transmitting the causative agent of human disease or capable of producing human discomfort or injury, including, but not limited to, mosquitoes, flies, other insects, ticks, mites, and rats, but not including any domesticated animal.

The Department responds to vector nuisance complaints associated with the solid waste, recreational health, liquid waste, substandard housing and the food programs. Most recently, West Nile Virus (WNV) has become a concern throughout the Continental United States. The Department is working in conjunction with the State Department of Health Services-Vector Borne Disease Section regarding this issue. The goal of this program is to limit transmission of mosquito and vector borne diseases.


On-Site Wastewater Complaints

4 November 2022

On-Site Wastewater Complaints

Approximately 50% of single-family dwelling residents and 20% of private businesses are served by on-site wastewater disposal systems in Calaveras County. The reliability of these systems is based in large part on soil permeability, geological formation, and groundwater levels. Slow soil permeability, tight restrictive geologic formations, and perched water tables can adversely impact the ability of a septic system to function properly. Surfacing sewage effluent is commonly the result of a compromised system due to one or more of the influences cited above. Failure of a system to function as designed may result in a potential public health and safety hazard.

The Department commonly receives several complaints regarding failed septic systems annually. Staff may collect a bacteriological sample to determine the origin of the water source when investigating a complaint. Sources of water include springs, broken water mains, and failing septic systems. In addition to origin, the bacteriological analyses will also identify contamination levels through the enumeration of coliform bacteria found in a sample. Once a failure has been verified, the owner of the property is directed to contact the On-Site Wastewater Division at the County Building Department for repair or replacement requirements.

Organized Camps

4 November 2022

Organized Camps

Staff inspects organized camps annually pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code. A typical example of an Organized Camp would include both Boy and Girl Scout camps. Several Environmental Heath program elements are reviewed during the annual inspection. These elements include, but are not limited to: 

  • Review of the food facility (kitchen and food preparation area);
  • Review of the swimming pool(s) or other natural bathing places;
  • Review of infirmary records;
  • Inspection of the water system;
  • Inspection of housing accommodations;
  • Review of emergency evacuation plans;
  • Inspection of plumbing facilities, and;
  • Review and discussion regarding potential vector concerns.

The Department is also responsible for the review and approval of these facilities prior to construction.

Current inventory: 8 Organized Camps (March 3, 2010)

Organized Camps Program Links:

  • California Health and Safety Code - see Section 18897 et seq.
  • California Code of Regulations - see Title 17, Section 30700 et seq. at www.calregs.com

Organized Camps Documents:

Small Public Water System

4 November 2022

Small Public Water System

The Department has been designated as the Local Primacy Agency (LPA) through a primacy agreement with the State of California, Department of Health Services to carry out the provisions of the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts. The program provides for oversight of small public water systems throughout the County. A small public water system is defined as a system with less than 200 service connections. A single-family dwelling unit would be an example of a service connection.

Program activities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Permitting and inspection of Small Public Water Systems (Systems);
  • Provision of technical assistance to owners and operators of Systems;
  • Review of laboratory water analyses as submitted by State Certified Laboratories on behalf of systems;
  • Issuance of public notifications as necessary. Such notifications inform the public when water does not meet drinking water standards and therefore is not safe to consume;
  • Provision of general guidance on current and changing regulations and standards.


Small Public Water System Program Links:

California Health and Safety Code - see Sections 106875 et seq.

California Code of Regulations - see Title 17, Section 7104 et seq. and Title 22, Section 60001 et seq. (click on California Code of Regulations, click on “Go to a Specific Section under Query plates, enter Title, enter Section, enter Search)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Division of Drinking Water Environmental Management

California Water Code - see Section 350 et seq.

Solid Waste Regulatory Oversight

4 November 2022

Solid Waste Regulatory Oversight

Local Enforcement Agency (LEA)

The Department has been certified by Cal/EPA - California Integrated Waste Management Board as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) for enforcement of solid waste disposal activities in Calaveras County. The program implements the provisions of the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989. Program authority is cited under the Public Resources Code and the California Code of Regulations. The scope of the program includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Permitting and Inspection of active solid waste sites, including one landfill and seven transfer stations.
  • Investigation and remediation of solid waste complaint sites (illegal disposal sites).
  • Monitoring of Closed, Illegal, and Abandoned solid waste sites.
  • Oversight of proper storage, collection, and disposal of residential, commercial and industrial solid waste.

The goal of the program is to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, water pollution, propagation of vectors, nuisance problems, and safety hazards.

Local Enforcement Agency Program Links:

California Code of Regulations - see Title 14, Section 17601 et seq. and
Title 27, Section 20005 et seq.
(click on California Code of Regulations, click on “Go to a Specific Section under Query
templates, enter Title, enter Section, enter Search)

Calaveras County Code Title 8.12 read more ...
Calaveras County Solid Waste Ordinance

Calaveras County Public Works read more ...
Solid Waste Division

Cal Recycle read more ...
California Integrated Waste Management Board

Tattooing / Body Piercing / Permanent Cosmetics

4 November 2022

Tattooing / Body Piercing / Permanent Cosmetics

The Department currently registers all individuals who perform Tattooing/Body Piercing/Permanent Cosmetics activities within the County. The California Health and Safety Code requires registration of these activities. Draft regulations currently provide general guidance as to how a safe and sanitary environmental setting shall be maintained when conducting body-art activities. While the draft regulations do not currently carry the force of law, the Department uses them as benchmark standards for industry compliance.

The intent of the program is to prevent accidental exposure to bloodborne pathogens. A bloodborne pathogen is defined as pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

California Health and Safety Code see Section 119300 et seq.

Underground Storage Tanks - Local Implementing Agency

4 November 2022

Underground Storage Tanks - Local Implementing Agency

The Department functions as the Local Implementing Agency (LIA) for oversight of the Underground Storage Tank (UST) program in Calaveras County. This State mandated program includes inspections, permitting, monitoring, installation, and removal of underground storage tanks as required by the California Health and Safety Code and California Code of Regulations. This office provides oversight of site remediation with soil contamination while Cal/EPA - California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region oversees remediation of sites with groundwater contamination.

Every UST contains hazardous substances. The goal of the program is to protect public health, safety, and the environment through protection of groundwater and surrounding soils. The UST program was recently incorporated into the Unified Program as one of the six elements that make up the Unified Program.

Underground Storage Tanks - Local Implementing Agency (LIA) Links: